FIFA 23, female players in revolt

American women soccer players are up in arms against FIFA 23, the popular soccer video game, demanding greater equality and recognition in the world of eSports.

This united protest highlights discrimination and differences in treatment between female athletes and their male counterparts, pushing the discussion of gender equality in the industry.

What are the demands of female players and what could be the repercussions for the future of the popular video game?

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The revolt of female athletes
American women soccer players have started a revolt against FIFA 23, the popular soccer video game, demanding greater equality and recognition in the world of eSports. This protest highlights discrimination and differences in treatment between female athletes and their male counterparts, pushing the discussion of gender equality in the industry.
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The demands of female players
The female athletes involved in the protest are demanding greater representation in the video game, both in terms of graphics and playability. Among the demands are equal visibility and the same attention to detail given to male characters, as well as correction of discrepancies in the values and abilities of virtual female players.
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The Impact on the eSports Industry.
The uprising of American female players could have important consequences for the eSports industry and the way sports titles are developed and promoted. The growing pressure for gender equality could push developers to invest more in the representation of women and pay more attention to their demands.
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The developers' response
The production company of FIFA 23, Electronic Arts (EA), has said it is willing to work with the female players and listen to their demands. However, it is not yet clear whether EA will take concrete steps to address the athletes' concerns, or whether it will be a purely symbolic move.
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The controversy of Sarah Gorden
Gorden, in particular, questioned the technical skills of EA Sports: "When EA Sports didn't put me in the top 10 for speed I was furious, but I thought okay, I'll show them. But when they gave me a rating of 48 in speed I realized that they have never, ever watched a NWSL game."
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