Tennis player Novak Djokovic's appeal: "Kosovo is the heart of Serbia. Stop violence!"

Novak Djokovic voiced his support for the Serbian population in northern Kosovo, where inter-ethnic tensions have risen again with clashes between KFOR Kosovo Force troops and Serb demonstrators opposed to the new ethnic Albanian mayors elected in the four largest Serb-majority municipalities in the north.

"Kosovo is the heart of Serbia. Stop the violence!" the Serbian champion wrote on a camera at the end of the match he won today against American Alexander Kovacevic in the first round at Roland Garros.

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Djokovic: "Kosovo is the heart of Serbia. Stop violence!"
From the Serbian champion support for his compatriots in Kosovo.
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Interethnic tension in northern Kosovo
In northern Kosovo, inter-ethnic tension has escalated again, with clashes between KFOR Kosovo Force troops and Serb demonstrators opposing the new ethnic Albanian mayors elected in the four largest Serb-majority municipalities. This situation has generated concern and instability in the region, calling for action to reduce conflict and promote peace.
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Novak Djokovic's support
In the midst of this tense situation, Serbian champion Novak Djokovic decided to support the Serbian population in northern Kosovo. After winning a match at Roland Garros, Djokovic addressed a message of solidarity to the population, declaring that Kosovo is the heart of Serbia and calling for an end to the violence. This statement received international attention, drawing attention to the critical situation in the region.
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The centrality of Kosovo for Serbia
Kosovo has a symbolic and historical importance for Serbia. The region is considered the cultural and spiritual heart of the nation, and the annexation of Kosovo by Albania has been a source of tension between the two communities. Djokovic's support for the Serbian population in northern Kosovo reflects the widespread concern among Serbs about the situation in the region and the defence of their rights and identity.
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The call for peace and stability
Djokovic's statement recalls the importance of ending violence and finding peaceful solutions to resolve the conflicts in northern Kosovo. It is crucial that the parties involved engage in dialogue and seek an agreement that guarantees peace, stability and respect for the different communities in the region. The situation in northern Kosovo requires international attention and cooperation to avoid further tensions and promote peaceful coexistence.
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