Charming Courtois and Mishel Gerzig at the Monte Carlo GP, photos

Israeli model Mishel Gerzig has been the partner of Real Madrid goalkeeper Thibaut Courtois for a year.

Mishel shared the story of their first meeting, saying, "Thibaut left a comment on one of my photos on Instagram and from there we started communicating.

Later, during a work engagement of mine in Madrid, we had the opportunity to meet in person and during our second meeting, our relationship evolved into something more romantic."

This weekend they attended the Monte Carlo GP together.

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Enchanting Courtois and Mishel Gerzig at the Monte Carlo GP, photos
The Israeli model Mishel Gerzig has been the companion of Real Madrid goalkeeper, Thibaut Courtois, for two years.
Getty Images
Enchanting Courtois and Mishel Gerzig at the Monte Carlo GP, photos
This weekend they participated together in the Monte Carlo GP.
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Enchanting Courtois and Mishel Gerzig at the Monte Carlo GP, photos
The two are close to marriage.
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Enchanting Courtois and Mishel Gerzig at the Monte Carlo GP, photos
The marriage proposal came on the eve of Mishel Gerzig 's birthday at Positano last summer.
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Enchanting Courtois and Mishel Gerzig at the Monte Carlo GP, photos
The couple enjoyed a relaxing weekend watching the Monte Carlo GP.
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